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How to Start Takeaway Food Boxes Business Online in Basel?

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With the growing demand for convenient dining options, the takeaway food industry has witnessed a significant surge, especially in cities like Basel. However, amidst this bustling market, there lies a lucrative opportunity to venture into the niche of takeaway food boxes. Offering practicality and sustainability, starting a takeaway food bowl or box business online in Basel can be rewarding. This guide will help you know how to start a takeaway food box business online in Basel. 

Step-by-step Guide to Start Takeaway Food Boxes Business Online in Basel

The food service market in Switzerland is projected to reach around 16.60 billion USD in 2024. The market is projected to grow to 24.77 billion USD by 2029 and is estimated to increase at 8% CAGR between 2024 and 2029. Quick-service restaurants, including cafes and bars, dominate the food service market.        

Starting a takeaway food boxes business online in Basel offers a promising opportunity to tap into the thriving food industry while catering to the growing demand for sustainable packaging solutions. By following the below-listed steps and staying committed to delivering quality products & exceptional service, you can carve a niche for your brand and succeed in this dynamic market.

Read a related blog on how to sell grocery items online in Switzerland: https://chaslay.com/en/how-to-sell-grocery-items-online-in-switzerland/

Understanding the Market Landscape

Basel boasts a vibrant food scene, with a significant portion of its population embracing online food ordering and delivery. According to recent statistics, the food delivery market in Switzerland was valued at CHF 1.3 billion in 2020, with steady growth projected in the coming years.

Approximately 30% of Swiss consumers order food online at least once weekly, indicating robust demand for convenient dining solutions. With sustainability becoming a driving force in customers’ behavior, there’s a growing preference for eco-friendly packaging options, making Basel an ideal market for a takeaway food box business.

Conducting Thorough Market Research

Whether you are starting an online ordering system for your bowl shop or looking to launch a takeaway food business, market search plays a crucial role. Conduct comprehensive market research to acquire insights into customer preferences, competitor landscape, and market trends.

Analyze the preferences of Basel’s diverse population, including dietary habits, cuisine preferences, and sustainability concerns. Identify existing competitors offering similar products and assess their strengths, weaknesses, and market positioning. Also, get the below question answered:

  • What unique offerings do your competitors have to offer?
  • How often do customers prefer a takeaway option in your area?
  • What are the pick hours for takeaway?

There are a lot more that you need to search for before investing in an online takeaway system like Chaslay

Defining Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

To stand out in a competitive landscape, define a compelling USP that sets your takeaway food boxes business apart. Consider offering customizable packaging options to cater to diverse dietary preferences and occasions.

Emphasize the sustainability aspect of your products, highlighting eco-friendly materials, recyclability, and reduced environmental impact. Explore innovative designs and features that enhance your takeaway food business functionality and aesthetic appeal, ensuring they align with Basel’s discerning tastes.

Navigating Legal and Regulatory Requirements

Before launching your business, ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations governing food packaging, hygiene standards, and online commerce. 

Obtain essential permits and licenses to operate your business legally, adhering to Basel’s food handling and delivery regulations. Familiarize yourself with packaging regulations and standards to ensure the safety as well as the integrity of your products, mainly when dealing with food items.

Developing an Online Presence

Leverage digital channels to establish a solid online presence and reach your target audience effectively. You can use your own online ordering system Chaslay to launch a takeaway bowls and boxes business with ease. This feature-rich platform helps you to showcase a range of takeaway food businesses, featuring enticing product images, detailed descriptions, and pricing details.

Optimize your takeaway food boxes website for search engines to enhance visibility and attract organic traffic from Basel and beyond. Implement secure payment gateways like SwissPayout and streamlined checkout processes to facilitate seamless online transactions, prioritizing user experience and convenience.

Marketing and Promotions Strategies

Implement targeted marketing and promotional strategies to raise awareness about your takeaway food boxes business and attract customers. Get the benefits of social media marketing and search engine advertising (SEA) services to engage your audience and develop a community around your online food bowl business.

Collaborate with influencers, food bloggers, and local media outlets to generate buzz and reach a wider audience, leveraging their networks and credibility. Offer promotional discounts, special offers, or loyalty programs to incentivize repeat purchases and foster customer loyalty, encouraging word-of-mouth referrals and positive reviews.

Providing Excellent Customer Service

Prioritize customer satisfaction and strive to offer amazing service at every customer journey touchpoint. Respond promptly to customer feedback, complaints, and inquiries, demonstrating attentiveness and professionalism in your interactions.

Ensure timely and reliable delivery of orders, maintaining communication with customers throughout the process, and promptly addressing any issues or concerns. Solicit customer feedback to gather insights into their preferences and testimonials and reviews to showcase the quality of your products and services.

For instance, in addition to promptly responding to customer inquiries and addressing any concerns, Tamarind Garden regularly conducts satisfaction surveys following each dining experience. This proactive approach allows the restaurant to gather valuable insights into customer preferences, ensuring that every visit exceeds expectations. 

Additionally, Tamarind Garden actively encourages patrons to leave reviews and testimonials online, showcasing the quality of its cuisine and service to a wider audience. Through these efforts, Tamarind Garden prioritizes customer satisfaction and consistently strives to provide an unparalleled dining experience.

Monitoring Performance and Adaptation

Continuously monitor the performance of your takeaway food boxes business, track key metrics, and adapt your strategies accordingly to optimize results and drive growth. Analyze sales data, website analytics, and feedback to identify areas for improvement and capitalize on emerging possibilities.

Stay abreast of trends, technological advancements, and consumer preferences, remaining agile and responsive to changes in the competitive landscape. Experiment with new products, packaging designs, and marketing initiatives to stay ahead and maintain a competitive edge in Basel’s dynamic market.


Launching a takeaway food boxes business online in Basel presents a promising opportunity to capitalize on the city’s vibrant food culture and growing demand for sustainable dining options. By following the steps outlined in this guide and leveraging the unique characteristics of Basel’s market, you can establish a successful venture that resonates with eco-conscious consumers while contributing to a greener, more sustainable future.

With Chaslay’s feature-rich platform, you can easily showcase your range of takeaway food boxes, providing customers with a seamless ordering experience. The platform’s user-friendly interface allows you to display enticing product images, detailed descriptions, and pricing information, enticing customers to explore your offerings.

Chaslay also offers robust functionality for managing orders, optimizing delivery routes, and tracking customer feedback. Its secure payment gateways ensure seamless transactions, instilling confidence in your customers and enhancing their overall experience. Moreover, Chaslay’s search engine optimization capabilities help boost your online visibility, attracting organic traffic and expanding your customer base.

By investing in Chaslay, you gain access to a comprehensive solution tailored to the needs of your takeaway business. From establishing your online presence to managing orders and fostering customer engagement, Chaslay empowers you to build a successful venture in Basel’s dynamic market.

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